find_and_click - Code
from fasthtml.common import *
from fasthtml.svg import *
from random import randint
from uuid import uuid4
import time 

timer = {}
app, rt = fast_app(hdrs=[Script(src="")])

class Timer:
    def __init__(self):
        self.start = time.time()

    def stop(self):
        self.stop = time.time()
        return self.stop - self.start

def mk_circle(count):
    return Circle(cx=randint(20,180),cy=randint(10,70),r=randint(5,15),fill="red",
        id="circle",hx_get=f"click/{count+1}", hx_swap="outerHTML")

def mk_click_count(count):
    return P(f"You have clicked {count} times",id="click-count")

def index(sess):
    if 'id' not in sess: sess['id'] = str(uuid4())
    return Div(
        P("Click the circle 3 times"),
        Svg(viewBox="0 0 200 80",id="svg-box")(mk_circle(0)))

def click(count: int,sess):
    et = ""
    if count == 1: timer[sess['id']] = Timer()
    if count == 3:
        count = 0
        et=f"Time to click 3 times: {elapsed_time:.2f} seconds"

    return SvgInb(mk_circle(count)),mk_click_count(count)(hx_swap_oob="outerHTML"),P(et,id="timer",hx_swap_oob="outerHTML")
