from functools import cache
import polars as pl
from great_tables import GT, html
from import sza
from fasthtml.common import *
app, rt = fast_app()
def get_sza_pivot():
# Filter and pivot the data
return (pl.from_pandas(sza)
.filter((pl.col("latitude") == "20") & (pl.col("tst") <= "1200"))
.pivot(values="sza", index="month", on="tst", sort_columns=True))
def get_notstr_table(color1: str = "#663399", color2: str = "#FFA500"):
# Create the table
sza_gt = (GT(get_sza_pivot(), rowname_col="month")
domain=[90, 0],
palette=[color1, "white", color2],
title="Solar Zenith Angles from 05:30 to 12:00",
subtitle=html("Average monthly values at latitude of 20°N."))
# Return the table by converting to raw HTML
return Div(NotStr(sza_gt.as_raw_html()))"/submit", name="submit")
def post(d: dict):
return get_notstr_table(**d)
def index():
return (Title("FastHTML-GT Website"),
Titled("Great Tables shown in FastHTML", style="text-align:center"),
Form(post="submit", hx_target="#gt", hx_trigger="input")(
Grid(Card(H2("Color1"), Input(type="color",id="color1", value="#663399")),
Card(H2("Color2"), Input(type="color",id="color2", value="#FFA500")))),
Div(get_notstr_table(), id="gt")))