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Minimal Todo App (SQLite)

This project is a web-based implementation of a minimal todo app built using FastHTML, HTMX, and SQLite.

Key Technologies and Techniques

  1. FastHTML: A Python-based framework for building web applications with a focus on web fundamentals.
  2. HTMX: Used to create dynamic server-side content updates that let you interact with the app without page reloads.
  3. SQLite: A lightweight, serverless database used to store and manage todo items.
  4. FastSQL: A library that simplifies database operations and integrates well with FastHTML.

How It Works

Server-Side Logic

The app uses FastHTML to define routes and handle todo list operations. Key routes include:

  • GET /: The main page that renders the initial todo list.
  • POST /: Handles adding new todo items.
  • DELETE /{id}: Handles deleting todo items.

Data Management

Todo items are stored in an SQLite database:

  • todos: A table storing todo items with id and title fields.

Dynamic Content

HTMX is used to create a dynamic user interface:

  • hx-post attribute on the form triggers a POST request to add new todos.
  • hx-delete attribute on delete links triggers DELETE requests to remove todos.
  • hx-target specifies where the response from the server should be inserted.
  • hx-swap determines how the new content should be added or replaced.
    • beforeend: Adds the new content at the end of the target element. This is used to add the new list item to end of the todo list.
    • outerHTML: Replaces the entire target element with the new content. This is used to replaces the todo list item completely with None to remove it from the list.

Key Features

  1. Add Todo: Users can add new todos using a form at the top of the list.
  2. Delete Todo: Each todo item has a delete link to remove it from the list.
  3. Real-time Updates: The list updates dynamically without full page reloads.
  4. Persistent Storage: Todos are stored in an SQLite database for data persistence.