from fasthtml.common import *
from datetime import date,datetime
from monsterui.all import *
# fast_app is doing a lot of work here.
# It creates a table in the database if it doesn't exist with columns id and title making id the primary key
# it returns a connector object todos
# it returns a model class Todo
app, rt, todos, Todo= fast_app('intermediate_todo.db',hdrs=Theme.slate.headers(),
title=str,done=bool,due=date, id=int,pk='id')
def tid(id): return f'todo-{id}'
# Render all the todos ordered by todo due date
def mk_todo_list(): return Grid(*todos(order_by='due'), cols=1)
async def delete_todo(id:int):
"Delete if it exists, if not someone else already deleted it so no action needed"
try: todos.delete(id)
except NotFoundError: pass
# Because there is no return, the todo will be swapped with None and removed from UI
# patch is a decorator that patches the __ft__ method of the Todo class
# this is used to customize the html representation of the Todo object
def __ft__(self:Todo):
# Set color to red if the due date is passed
dd = datetime.strptime(self.due, '%Y-%m-%d').date()
due_date = Strong(dd.strftime('%Y-%m-%d'),style= "" if <= dd else "background-color: red;")
# Action Buttons
_targets = {'hx_target':f'#{tid(}', 'hx_swap':'outerHTML'}
done = CheckboxX( hx_get'/'), **_targets, checked=self.done),
delete = Button('delete','/'), **_targets)
edit = Button('edit', hx_get =edit_todo .to('/'), **_targets)
# Strike through todo if it is completed
style = Del if self.done else noop
return Card(DivLAligned(done,
style(Strong(self.title, target_id='current-todo')),
async def index():
"Main page of the app"
return Titled('Todo List',mk_todo_form(),Div(mk_todo_list(),id='todo-list'))
async def upsert_todo(todo:Todo):
# Create/update a todo if there is content
if todo.title.strip(): todos.insert(todo,replace=True)
# Reload main page with updated database content
return mk_todo_list(),mk_todo_form()(hx_swap_oob='true',hx_target='#todo-input',hx_swap='outerHTML')
async def toggle_done(id:int):
"Reverses done boolean in the database and returns the todo (rendered with __ft__)"
return todos.update(Todo(id=id, done=not todos[id].done))
def mk_todo_form(todo=Todo(title=None, done=False,, id=None), btn_text="Add"):
"""Create a form for todo creation/editing with optional pre-filled values"""
inputs = [Input(id='new-title', name='title',value=todo.title, placeholder='New Todo'),
Input(id='new-done', name='done', value=todo.done, hidden=True),
Input(id='new-due', name='due', value=todo.due)]
# If there is an ID use it for editing existing row in db
if inputs.append(Input(id='new-id', name='id',, hidden=True))
return Form(DivLAligned(
Button(btn_text, cls=ButtonT.primary, post=upsert_todo,hx_target='#todo-list', hx_swap='innerHTML')),
id='todo-input', cls='mb-6')
async def edit_todo(id:int): return Card(mk_todo_form(todos.get(id), btn_text="Save"))